2007年,被评为四川省承接产业转移优 秀园区,四川承接产业转移重点推荐特色工业园。园区现有工业生产性企业239户,其中规模企业81户,99%以上属民营企业和股份制企业,民营资本集群特色显著,是四川省重点培育的2010年百亿园区之一,2008年四川广汉经济开发区将实现工业生产总值、销售收入过百亿。
Part One: Brief Introduction
Sichuan Guanghan Economic Development Zone is located in the south of Guanghan City that is known for the world-famous Sanxingdui Site. Such a city lies between the Chengdu-Mianyang expressway and the Chengdu-Deyang heavy road, belonging to the “Half-hour Economic Circle” of Chengdu City and standing in the middle of the Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang Economy Belt. Sichuan Guanghan Economic Development Zone is a provincial development zone having a planned area of eight square kilometers. Authorized by Sichuan Province Committee of CCP and Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, this zone was formally set up in 1991, and successfully passed the examination of National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in January 2006.
Sichuan Guanghan Economic Development Zone was honored with the titles of “Sichuan’s Outstanding Development Zone Promoting Industrial Transfer” and “Sichuan’s Strongly Recommended and Distinctive Industrial Park Promoting Industrial Transfer” in 2007. At present, there are 239 industrial and productive enterprises in this zone, including 81 enterprises above designated size. Over 99% of the enterprises in this zone are private ones and joint-stock ones. Therefore, such a zone remarkably embodies the feature of private capital cluster. As one of “Sichuan’s Especially Fostered Ten-billion-production-value Parks before 2010”, Sichuan Guanghan Economic Development Zone will realize over RMB10-billion production value and revenue in 2008.
四川广汉经济开发区按照“大项目—产业链—产业集群”的发展思路,大力发展 “石油装备”、“制药食品”两个主导产业,主导产业集聚度达82%(石油装备业和制药食品业规模企业工业增加值占开发区规模企业工业增加值的比例):以川石钻采技术研究院、西南石油采气院、四川宏华石油设备公司、美国ROWAN公司控股的顶驱维修中心和中石油的灭火救援中心等100余户企业组成的石油机械装备园是国家石油装备行业的3大科研生产基地之一,产业集聚度达68%;以蜀中制药、泰华堂制药和益海(四川)粮油工业有限公司、四川省川粮米业股份有限公司等企业为代表形成的制药食品工业园产业集聚度达14%,龙头企业蜀中制药的“盖克”获得“中国驰名商标”称号,落户广汉的四川现代医药物流园区占地5平方公里(一期占地2平方公里),将大大增强开发区制药食品工业园的辐射能力。
Part Two: Industry Deployment
Under the development roadmap of “Large Item – Industry Chain – Industry Cluster”, Sichuan Guanghan Economic Development Zone places emphasis on facilitating “petroleum equipment” and “pharmacy and food” – two leading industries in this zone. To date, the industrial concentration ratio of these two leading industries in the zone has hit 82% (herein such an index is the proportion of industrial added value of petroleum equipment as well as pharmacy and food enterprises above designated size in the total industrial added value of all enterprises above designated size in this zone): The petroleum mechanical equipment park in this zone is one of China’s three prime petroleum equipment R&D and production bases, having an industrial concentration ratio of 68%. This park consists of more than 100 enterprises such as Sichuan Petroleum Drilling & Production Technology Research Institute, Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company Gas Production Engineering Research Institute, Sichuan Honghua Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd., Cap Drive Maintenance Center controlled by US ROWAN Company and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Fire Rescue Center, etc. The pharmacy and food park in this zone consists of Shu Zhong Pharmaceutical Group, Sichuan Taihuatang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Sichuan Yihai Cereal and Oil Industry Co., Ltd., Chuanliang Group, etc., having an industrial concentration ratio of 14%. Up to now, the leading enterprise Shu Zhong Pharmaceutical Group has been presented “Top China Brand” for its “Gai Ke” - compound paracetamot and amantadine lydrochloide capsules. Furthermore, Sichuan Modern Medication & Logistics Park covering five square kilometers (the Phase One of this project covers two square kilometers) has been put into service, which will greatly enhance the influence of the pharmacy and food park.
Part Three: Development Environment
Under the construction concept of “Building Distinctive Park and Prospering Industrial Park”, Sichuan Guanghan Economic Development Zone is always strictly fulfilling the national, provincial and local relevant policies on business invitation, investment attraction and industrial transfer promotion. It carries out “One-stop Service” guided by Administrative Committee of Sichuan Guanghan Economic Development Zone, and provides top-ranking development environment for international and national industrial transfer in accordance with “Seven Available and One Flat” hardware standard and high-quality and efficient service standard.
开发区始终坚持科学规划、合理利用的原则将在8平方公里建成区的基础上扩大为40平方公里。为了承接成都的产业转移,将在今、明两年内平行成绵高速公路和成德绵大件路修建一条长6100米宽30米的主干道,由四川省石油和化工商会牵头规划兴建1个占地8平方公里(一期占地2平方公里)的新材料加工园、新建5—10万吨级工业污水处理厂1个和110KV 变电站1座。
Part Four: Development Layout
Under the principles of scientific layout and reasonable utilization, Sichuan Guanghan Economic Development Zone has enlarged its planned area by 40 square kilometers based on the constructed district. In order to realize the development target of promoting RMB20-billion investment over the next five years, a series of large construction projects will be carried out in 2008 and 2009, including a main road with a length of 6,100m and a width of 30m paralleling the Chengdu-Mianyang expressway and the Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang heavy road, a New Material Processing Park – this park covers eight square kilometers (the Phase One of this project covers two square kilometers) and is programmed by Sichuan Petroleum and Chemicals Chamber of Commerce, a 50,000-100,000-ton industrial sewage treatment plant and a 110KV transformer substation.
我市积极加强园区建设,目前已形成一区三园的格局(四川广汉经济开发区、三星堆文化产业园、小汉工业园、向阳工业园)。四川广汉经济开发区是2004年被四川省政府重新确认的全省21个省级工业开发区之一,也是《国家汶川地震灾后恢复重建总体规划》确定的扩大面积的开发区之一(现规划面积为8平方公里,规划新增面积6.35平方公里)。经济开发区基础设施完善,配套齐备,已形成了以机械、医药、化工、食品、纺织为主的特色片区。目前,开发区内有生产性企业212户,规模以上企业70户,是全国第二大石油装备研发制造基地和四川省第二大制药企业聚集地。另外,我市重点打造的三星堆文化产业园是四川省唯 一的省级文化产业园区,规划面积为10平方公里。目前园区已完成了基础设施框架建设,包括从城区通往三星堆的快速通道、贯穿园区南北的高等级公路、围绕三星堆遗址开发建成的110KVA变电站和日供水量为10万吨的自来水厂等。
(二)税收政策。投资新办的生产性企业,固定资产投资在500万元以上,从投产年度起的五年内该企业所缴纳的企业所得税、增值税,头两年按本级财政留成部分100 %、后三年按50%,由同级财政从科技发展专项资金中给予企业技术开发专项补贴,扶持企业发展。
广汉交通便利。108国道、成绵高速、成德大件公路、北新干道、成青快速通道、广青快速通道、宝成铁路和成绵乐城际快速铁路穿境而过;距双流国际机场50公里,均为高速公路;广汉通讯发达、能源充足,有35千伏安以上变电站14座,由省网直接供电, 天然气日供气量达20万立方米以上, 自来水日供水量达10万吨以上。